Photographer Aidan O’Neill Helping Reduce HIV in Swaziland
Photographer Aidan O’Neill is currently in Swaziland for his second visit to raise awareness of HIV. Currently one in every four adults are living with HIV or Aids in Swaziland. Working along side the charity Artaid World they hope to reduce the transmission of HIV through education and awareness, and medical funding.
Swaziland is a small landlocked country in Southern Africa. Each day 700 children are infected with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa. In most cases they contract the disease through their mothers during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding. Without any treatment almost half of these children will die by the age of 2 years old.
The first cases of HIV and Aids were detected in Swaziland in 1986, and since then the disease has spread rapidly. Swaziland is now no.1 in the world for the disease, and currently just over 26% of the population
are infected.
In Aidan’s own words “No child deserves to be born with HIV”. In order to make his trip a success he still needs greatly needed funds. You can donate or find out more information by clicking here, or using the link below:
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